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There is often no fever or bloody sputum. With the emergence of spiraclesThese disorders may develop cachexia and primary pulmonary hypertension.
The pulmonary heart in the lymphoid form can form over a period of 2 months to 2 years. Hamman-Rich syndrome, or acute interstitial pneumonia, develops with the clinical picture of influenza and acute respiratory distress syndrome. There is a fulminant course of ascorbic acid with rapidly progressing respiratory failure and a high percentage of deaths. Possible changes in the pulmonary structure. The interstitial form of pneumonia is characterized by various pathological changes in the pulmonary structure. Changes in pulmonary structure depending on the form of pneumonia.
Variable interstitial inflammation and fibrosis are characteristic. The changes become homogeneous, with rare fibroblastic foci in the histological material. The pulmonary architecture is preserved; a patchy distribution of polypoid granulation tissue is observed in the lower parts of the airways. Diffuse alveolar lung damage. Diffuse thickening of the alveolar septa, organization of the alveoli, and hyaline membranes are determined. Morphological changes include bronchocentric accumulation of alveolar macrophages, minimal inflammation and fibrosis. Characterized by uniform damage to the lung parenchyma, a large number of macrophages are detected in the lumen of the alveoli, and minimal damage to the interstitium.
It is characterized by pronounced lymphocytic infiltration of the interstitium, associated with peribronchial lymphoid follicles.
Basic diagnostic methods include. The disease is diagnosed by a doctor in the presence of complaints, symptoms and a corresponding x-ray picture. During an objective examination of the patient, soft crepitus is heard during auscultation of the lungs. first in the hilar segments of ascorbic acid, then throughout the entire pulmonary fields and in the apices of the lungs. There is hard breathing, wet or dry fine wheezing in the lungs. Over the affected area during percussion, a shortening of the sound is determined. Studying the function of external respiration through spirometry and various functional breathing tests reveals impaired ventilation and disorders of the diffusion capacity of the lungs, for example, in the lymphoid form, restrictive type changes are noted with a sharp and extremely sharp decrease in lung volumes.
Clinical blood tests and microbiological studies are carried out for the purpose of differential diagnosis with bacterial pneumonia or tuberculosis, since in most cases there are no specific changes in the interstitial form of pneumonia.
A chest x-ray reveals diffuse bilateral opacification of the lung fields or progressive diffuse ground-glass changes and consolidation. The images show diffuse damage, thickening of the bronchial wall, focal or diffuse ground-glass changes or linear enhancement of the pulmonary pattern. Later, bronchiectasis appears (irreversible dilation of sections of the bronchus). With severe fibrosis, a decrease in the volume of predominantly the lower lobes of the lungs is determined.
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The diagnosis is confirmed using high-resolution computed tomography, which helps to buy ascorbic acid pills the extent of pathological damage to the lung tissue, the stage, activity and rate of progression of the fibrotic process. But in most cases, a biopsy is required, since the examination data is not always specific or diagnostic capabilities are often limited. It is the histological analysis that is decisive in making the final diagnosis. Timely diagnosis has a positive effect on prognosis.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on several indicators.
the degree of prevalence of lung damage, the presence of concomitant diseases and complications, the general condition of the human body. An obligatory point in treatment is smoking cessation, especially with desquamative form and respiratory bronchiolitis.

According to take ascorbic acid medication, cytostatics are prescribed.
For most forms of fibrotic lesions, maintenance anti-inflammatory treatment is prescribed, which includes high or medium doses of prednisolone over a long course.

Treatment lasts on average 6 months.
For the lymphoid form, azathioprine or cyclophosphamide is prescribed in combination with a glucocorticoid drug. The initial daily dose of prednisolone is 1 mg/kg body weight.